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    [General] Clans


    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2010-12-07
    Age : 30
    Location : Japan

    [General] Clans Empty [General] Clans

    Post  Ritsukou Wed Dec 08, 2010 6:14 pm

    [General] Clans Clans

    A clan (Ichizoku; Literally meaning "family"), in the loosest sense of the term, refers to a family or group of shinobi who form a basic unit of a shinobi village. Majority of these clans were known to have started out as mercenary military forces even before the First Great Shinobi World War. The Senju clan and Uchiha clan were the first known clans to have agreed to settle and form a shinobi village, facilitated by creating agreements with the daimyo of the land they inhabit. Many clans would follow the example of the Senju and the Uchiha, later establishing the Five Great Shinobi Countries as they are known today.

    Membership in a clan is usually determined by blood relations and genetics, which is vital in the usage of Kekkei Genkai and Hidden jutsu. These attributes and abilities made many clans feared and renowned throughout many villages. While clans may be composed of many individuals and extended families (such as the Kaguya and the Hyuuga), many clans mentioned and seen in the series were somewhat limited to a nuclear family.

    [General] Clans AburameClanBanner[General] Clans Aburame_Image
    Lord/Lady -

    The Aburame clan (Aburame Ichizoku) is a clan characterized by their use of insects as weapons. The insects live in symbiosis within the body of the shinobi. At birth, members of this clan are offered to a special breed of insects called kikaichuu as a nest, residing just under their host's skin.

    [General] Clans AkimichiClanBanner[General] Clans Fuuma_Symbol
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    The Fuuma clan (Fuuma Ichizoku) is a renowned ninja clan, famous in at least Amegakure and the Land of Fire. It is unknown where they hail from.
    They are well-known as an aggressive clan and fight using their characteristic giant Fuuma Shuriken; a large, four-bladed weapon said to possess pre-eminent sharpness.

    [General] Clans HakusClan
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    This unnamed clan lived in the Land of Water. Some time ago, the country was in the midst of a civil war. In this war, different sides battled each other using ninja, some of whom possessed kekkei genkai. After the war ended, memories of the horrific battles still lingered in the minds of the people, causing wide-spread persecutions against those with kekkei genkai. Because of this, Haku's clan, whose members carried the Ice Release kekkei genkai, went into hiding.

    [General] Clans HyuugaClanBanner[General] Clans Hyuuga_Image
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    The Hyuuga clan (Hyuuga Ichizoku) is one of the oldest and most powerful clans in Konohagakure. All members born into the family possess the Byakugan, a kekkei genkai that gives them extended fields of vision and the ability to see the chakra circulatory system.

    [General] Clans InuzukaClanBanner[General] Clans Inuzuka_Image
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    The Inuzuka clan (Inuzuka Ichizoku) or Inuzuka family (Inuzuka-ke) is known for their use of ninken as fighting companions. Clan members are apparently given their own canine partner or partners when they reach a certain age.

    [General] Clans KaguyaClanBanner[General] Clans Kaguya_Image
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    The Kaguya clan (Kaguya Ichizoku) is a now extinct clan, known to have been very barbaric. Select few, namely Kimimaro, possessed the kekkei genkai Shikotsumyaku; this ability was so powerful that even the war-loving Kaguya clan feared it. With the exception of Kimimaro, the clan was killed off when attacking Kirigakure in a failed attempt to show off their ferocity. The clan was very savage and had no tactics when going to battle, and refused to back down even when surrounded and completely outmatched, preferring to fight to the death for fun.

    [General] Clans NaraClanBanner[General] Clans Nara_Image
    Lord/Lady -

    The Nara clan (Nara Ichizoku) or Nara family (Nara-ke) is known for their manipulation of shadows and tending of deer, which graze in a large area of Nara clan forest. They have kept a book with medicine preparations and effects for generations which imply they are skilled in the area of medicine. Among the medicine described in this book are the secret pills used by the Akimichi clan.

    [General] Clans SarutobiClanBanner[General] Clans Sarutobi_Image
    Lord/Lady -

    The Sarutobi clan (Sarutobi Ichizoku) is an influential clan from Konohagakure. It has produced several notable members who have held positions of high authority, such as Hokage, or membership in the Twelve Guardian Ninja. All known members have been observed devotees of the Will of Fire.

    [General] Clans SenjuClanBanner[General] Clans Senju_Image
    Lord/Lady -

    The Senju clan (Senju Ichizoku) was considered the strongest clan in the ninja world during the war-torn era before the founding of the hidden villages. Together with their rivals, the Uchiha clan, they were responsible for founding Konohagakure and making the village into what it is today.

    [General] Clans ShiroganeClanBanner[General] Clans Shirogane_Image
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    The Shirogane clan (Shirogane Ichizoku) is a puppet clan that originally came from Sunagakure.

    [General] Clans UchihaClanBanner[General] Clans Uchiha_Image
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    The Uchiha clan (Uchiha Ichizoku) was once considered to be one of the most powerful clans in Konohagakure, but is now almost extinct after the events of the Uchiha clan Massacre.

    [General] Clans UzumakiClanBanner[General] Clans Uzumaki_Image
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    The Uzumaki clan (Uzumaki Ichizoku) was a prominent clan in Uzushiogakure. They were distant relatives of the Senju clan and thus both clans were on good terms; an alliance that extended onto their Hidden Villages - Konohagakure and Uzushiogakure.
    The shinobi of Konoha integrated Uzushiogakure's symbol onto their uniforms and flak jackets as well as on the shoulders of their uniforms as a sign of friendship and goodwill between the two villages, and continue to do so to this day, in memory of their friendship even years after Uzushiogakure's destruction.

    [General] Clans YamanakaClanBanner[General] Clans Yamanaka_Image
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    The Yamanaka clan (Yamanaka Ichizoku) runs a flower shop in Konohagakure and specializes in anything mind related such as, manipulating the minds of their opponents. They have also displayed sensory abilities and their techniques range from transferring consciousness to communicating telepathically.

    [General] Clans YostukiClanBanner[General] Clans Yotsuki_Image
    Lord/Lady -

    The Yotsuki clan (Yotsuki Ichizoku) is a clan from Kumogakure. They are loyal to their clan, and will not sell out unless forced to under someone else's means.

    Thread format/contents by Coty and Adored@IMVU, Naruto information (C ) Masashi Kishimoto

      Current date/time is Sun Apr 28, 2024 5:19 am